Teton Snow Geek

Snowpack Observations from the Resident Geek, JACOB URBAN, and the JHOLI Staff

Teton Snow Geek

Snowpack Observations from the Resident Geek, JACOB URBAN, and the JHOLI Staff

Teton Snow Geek

Snowpack Observations from the Resident Geek, JACOB URBAN, and the JHOLI Staff

Is There a Right of Passage in the Backcountry?

Nov 18, 2018

-“Mountains have a way of dealing with overconfidence.”-
-Hermann Buhl-
-My belief is that Companion Rescue is a necessary skill that demands a high level of proficiency to enter the backcountry…as a stand alone skill, it’s not a right of passage.-
-Companion rescue falls into what I refer to as “disaster relief”. Meaning, when a lot of other systems have failed, this is the last resort. “System B”. –
-For me “System A” includes:
  1. Understanding and applying the forecast to the terrain.
  2. Creating a tour plan around those perimeters with options, bailouts and rescue plan.
  3. Discussing the plan with partners and agreeing on it or some variation to meet the needs of the group.
  4. Engaging in the terrain while continued discussion and execution of the plan.
  5. Ground-truthing conditions and error correcting while in route.
  6. Reassess the execution of the agreed upon option.
  7. Execution an option or bailout.
  8. Debrief.
  9. Integration of lessons learned into new plans and objectives.-
-This methodical process leaves me with 7 mandatory steps prior to the potential need to implement “System B”. And that’s if I decide to engage in avalanche terrain.-
-What’s your method of creating margins and managing risk in and around avalanche terrain? If you don’t have one…start with education.
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